Workshops and Courses
When somebody thinks of the word holistic, they immediately think therapy. This is not necessarily true. Holistic also means a way of life. Recognising that everything is interconnected. So as much as one might go to a complementary therapist to 'fix what's broke', the biggest part is maintaining that wellness of mind, body and spirit. I am developing a programme of workshops and on going classes which will be fun and exctiting.
The Chakra
A Year of Transformation
Firstly, a word of warning, on completing this course your life will very possibly never be quite the same again!
Some background......
I devised the first module of this course in 2002, the subsequent modules made their appearance in 2003 and 2004 respectively. It was presented face to face with an amazing group of people in my home town on Anglesey who were completely open to exploring their full potential and putting their discoveries of self into action.
That was almost 20 years ago now and times have moved on. Today, we are living in unprecedented times with a very uncertain future. Somebody, who I am still in contact with from all those years ago, recently contacted me and told me how attending my course has helped her with our current life challenges. It is time to resurrect the ‘Phoenix’.
So, one of the challenges of bringing this course to you was to convert it into a live online course which would still retain the depth and energy of the original by devising new teaching plans. Check. As with everything I teach, Essential Oils always play a part and today we have ‘sniffy sticks’ to enable you to experience their powerful combinations. Check. Finally, the need to transcribe the monumental amount of information which was originally done in Publisher into Word or even into 3 separate work books. Check.
Module 1
There will be 10 classes connecting each of your chakras to their corresponding Archangel. Whether you believe in Archangels or not doesn’t really matter, we will be connecting to the intrinsic and fundamental energies of each of our commonly recognised Chakras as well as our Earth Star, Well of Dreams, Universal male and Universal female chakras and our Akashic records.
You will receive, as part of your course material, 10 ‘sniffy sticks’ representing the ‘energies’ of each Archangel, each of which contain a combination of 7 Essential Oils. That was weird when I first dowsed for them all those years ago! These combinations of Essential Oils has not changed in 20 years. Your written material will include detailed explanations of the spiritual values of each Essential Oil in each blend and much more.
Module 2
Now we will progress over 9 classes to connecting each of our 9 basic human chakras to each Earth Chakra and then we will connect them to each of the planetary chakras. Don’t be surprised if you recall some past lives! This forms a triangle of energy.
We as humans and everything we come into contact with are vibration and inter-connected. Even Einstein recognised that everything relies and is dependent on, the balance of the Universe and everything within it. He spent his last decades trying to formulate and prove what he called Unified Field Theory or what has now become known as String Theory. Right to his last night on this earthly plane he was still working on his theory in bed before he slept for the last time. His theory is still work in progress with other scientists and is now known as String Theory. Think of the fascia in the human body. This module will certainly take you ‘off planet’ to reflect what we can bring back energetically to ours.
To cover this module, you will receive 9 sniffy sticks for your physical chakras, 9 sniffy sticks for the Earth Chakras and a further 9 sniffy’s representing each of the planets in our solar system. Yes, I still include Pluto! Again, there will be comprehensive notes covering the energetics of the oils and explanations of Unified Field Theory, Metaphysics and Quantum Physics and how there is not much difference between them and how we as humans know in our gut, that there is more that connects us as humans not just to each other but to our planet and beyond.
Module 3
We now come back down to Earth and full circle and connect with what I call the ‘baby angels’, the fairy and elemental kingdom. Again, as with the Archangels, it doesn’t matter if you believe in the Fae or not. Who can deny the feelings we get from the majesty of mountains, the quiet of the forests, the power of the seas and explosiveness of volcanoes for example? Over the final 9 classes we will connect with the elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and their respective Chakras, our 3rd eye to our Universal Female Chakra (Titania), our Crown Chakra with our Universal Male Chakra (Oberon), our Well of Dreams to our 8th Chakra and the Elohim and our Earth Star to the Ether.
There will be another 9 sniffy’s to help you make the connection along with comprehensive notes on each of the elemental kingdoms.
All classes will be live via zoom starting at 7pm once a week. There is 'time off' between each module which allows you time to absorb, assimilate and reflect on what you have learnt.
Fees: £800 for a total of 28 classes, 46 sniffy’s, comprehensive and detailed information/handouts/ for each module. A £100 non-refundable deposit secures your place followed by 10 monthly payments of £70 to complete the reamaining fee.
To register your place on this life changing course please contact me directly.
Let's Keep Essential Oils Simple
Getting confused with the plethora of information out there? Well this One day workshop is keeping it simple for the lay-person and therapists alike.
We begin the day by dowsing your aura to see how far your happy place reaches.
We will be looking at 20 Essential Oils which are safe to use as they have NO contraindications. Plus another 5 popular oils.
That sounds boring doesn't it?
How about learning how to use a pendulum to find out which of the 25 oils suit you best? Learn how to use a pendulum to asses which oil to safely use for what ails you or your family. You will also learn very simple Kinesiology techniques to test the oils, or just in case you doubt your pendulum!
In the afternoon you will dowse the oils and make up your own personal blend of oil to help you relax, de-stress and remove blockages that are stopping you from achieving your dreams and aspirations. I will guide you through a meditation using your personal blend of oils and then we re-measure your happy aura. Be preparred to be very surprised! You can take your blend home with you to continue working with it.
Fees: £210, includes your own individual 'sniffy stick' blend of oil that you will have made.
You will also receive a comprehensive handout covering all 25 oils.
If you would like me to come to your area to teach this popular workshop, you will require a minimum of 6 attendees. Please get in touch if you would like this workshop brought to you and your friends.
Art of the Apothecary
This is a 2 day in person course, or spread over 5x 2 hour in person sessions, looking at the history and art of the Apothecary through the ages.
The class schedule is as follows:
#1 Egyptian, where we will look at incense making and infused oils. This class will have us making a luxurious bath oil from this period to your own bespoke recipe.
#2 Greek/Roman period, where we will look to the likes of Hippocrates 'the father of modern medicine' and his peers. We will make a massage oil based on the oils from this period.
#3 Persian. A delicious period of aromatic oils. You will blend your own 'perfume' from the oils, spices and resins into a rollerball, that were available in that period.
#4 Medieval apothecary and herbal gardens. We'll be making an infused oil for you to use in your cooking or a cream with EO's for a physical ailment.
#5 Victorian Britain where Florence Nightingale first used Lavender oil in the Crimea war, and the Victorians began investigating the chemistry of Essential Oils. We'll be making a blend of oils for antiseptic/viral/medicinal uses.
Fees: £300 which will include handouts, all materials for the 5 products you will make to take home and certificate of attendance for therapists. A non-refundable deposit of £100 to cover course materials will be required with the remaining £200 payable in installments or in full before your first class.
Learn how to Dowse
Online workshop
For the last +25 years I have been passing on to my students how to dowse for Essential Oils for themselves, family and especially their clients. Learning how to dowse for Essential Oils opened up my Clinical knowledge of the Essential Oils and I learnt so much more about them and how they interact and benefit us on a much deeper almost vibrational level.
Past Life Journeys
During this monthly, 9 session, in person classes we will be using various tools such as meditation, Essential Oils, Chakra's and pendulums, we will embark on an exploration into your past lives to help you heal the past and thus help you move forwards and fullfill your dreams in this one.
We will be looking at your oldest past life, your most recent past life, unresolved issues which have come over, your strongest positive past life, what have you forgotten, what you need to remember and ultimately your future life/lives and much more.
To support you in this you will get a set of 9 sniffy sticks bespoke to you individually, which will help you 'time-warp' to the most relevant period in the past which is applicable to the questions we will be asking.
There is also an element of the Chakras incorporated in this course. For example, the heart centre question is: what is the most important unresolved issue from your past lives? The sacral chakra question is: what is your oldest past life?
At the end of each session you will have personal 'homework' to do, to clear the way for your next session.
Whether you believe in past lives or not, this will be a wonderful opportunity for you to work on blockages you have in this life that prevent you from fullfilling your dreams and aspirations in this one. But the main focus will be looking for the positivities in each question.
Fees: £225. A £25 non-refundable deposit secures your place with the outstanding balance due on a monthly basis of £50. It includes your set of 9 'sniffy sticks', course material and handouts. .
Baby Aromassage Workshop
This is a 4 week Aromassage course for mum's or dad's to learn how to massage your babies correctly, with clear understanding of which massage moves help with certain baby ailments, which Essential Oils you can use for different problems safely. We will also look at 3 hydrosols, some reflexology, and the so important Metamorphosis Therapy©. This course is for babies from 2 months to 2 years.
Schedule for the 4 weeks:
Each weekly class is for approximately 2-3 hours, time determined by your baby.
#1 We will be practising the gentle effleurage movements so you can really help familiarise yourself with your baby's musculo-skeletal system. We will be looking at cradle cap, conjunctivitis and nasal congestion and what you can do to ease the symptoms.
#2 Learning very simple 'drainage' massage moves to help with chest congestion, tummy problems and looking at what we can use to prevent/help nappy rash.
#3 Besides practising our baby massage we will also look at some very simple reflexology techniques to help baby.
#4 We will be learning how to incorporate Metamorphic Therapy© . This therapy helps to clear any birthing trauma for your baby.
Fees: £240 includes hand outs, a goody bag of massage oils, floral waters/hydrosols and nappy rash oil. A non-refundable deposit of £40 secures your place. The remainder will be due at your first class.
I am fully qualified and insured to massage your babies and children, so I will not be using a 'living doll' to demonstrate, I will be demonstrating on your baby, to show how relaxed and contented your baby can become.
Essential Oils for Babies and Children
Calling all mum's, dad's. grandparent's, child minders, midwives, district nurses et all!
Would you give the same medicines you use to your babies and children? Of course you wouldn't! The same applies to Essential Oils. With the rise in Essential Oils being put into products you need to know exactly what is safe and what is not.
With the rise in babies and children being harmed and hospitalised with the missuse and wrong information given to parent's and children's care givers I help you avoid any dangerous practices and advice by offering this 2 hour workshop either in person 1on1 or by video call, where you will learn what, when and how to use Essential Oils on your babies and children SAFELY!
I will provide you with a comprehensive handout which will give you the information you need to use these gifts from mother nature safely and effectively to treat your child's ailments, from colic to teething, to cuts and scrapes to chicken pox, to exam anxieties and puberty changes/moods and much more.
Fees: £110 includes handout covering each of the Essential Oils, their application and dosage. This class covers from newborn's to puberty.
This is an Aromatherapy Foundation Course taught for 2 hours via zoom or in person for a total of 5 classes once a month, OR over 2 consecutive days in person. On completion you will be able to use Aromatherapy safely and confidently on family and friends.
Please be aware that you will not be able to get insurance to practice Aromatherapy as a therapist and will be limited to helping your family and immediate friends.
You will receive a copy of my book which covers a total of 54 Essential Oils.
You will learn to mix and blend oils for common ailments, or emotional issues, or just for sheer relaxation and de-stressing.
This course is for absolute beginners and those who have an interest and have been using Essential Oils at home but want to learn more and be confident in their safe use.
Fees: £300 which covers a copy of my book, further specific handouts to cover children, pregnancy, menopause and the elderly for example, and 54 sniffy sticks (nasal inhalers) for each of the oils in my book. £100 non-refundable deposit secures your place with the outstanding amount of £200 due on a monthly basis of £50 with no interest charges.
You will receive a Certificate of Attendance on completion of the course.
I am happy to travel to teach this as a 2 day course, but there must be a minimum of 4 students.